Booster Club

The Simley Dance Team Boosters, Inc. is a 501.3C nonprofit. Monthly booster club meetings are held on the third Monday of the month at 6:00pm at Simley High School. The purpose of the Booster Club is to support the Simley High School Dance Team by raising funds, distributing money, offering activities for dance team members, and assisting the Activities Director and Coaches in facilitating a successful program.

The booster club fundraises throughout the year hosting many local events such as a Drkulas Bowling Event, B52’s Kups for Kicks event, Cub Foods Grocery Bagging and the Simley Dance Team Home Invitational. The Simley Dance Team is thankful for our team sponsors. Through the generous donations of our sponsors are able to provide our dancers with stunning costumes, nutritious dinners, excellent coaching, training opportunities, transportation and event preparation, throughout the dance season and beyond.

Simley Dance Team Booster Club Board Members

President: Jessica Ramstad & Laura Devney

Vice President: Jill Book & Sarah Bautista

Treasurer: Drea Mays & Dianalyn Museus

Secretary: Jessica Oftedahl

If you have any questions about donations or booster club events please email us at:

Booster Club Documents

Booster Club Bylaws